Adhiti Chundur

Delightful design

I believe it’s so important to not only create effective designs, but to infuse the experience with delight. My background in art and psychology help me to do just that-create beautiful, visual, playful experiences. 

Ultimately, understanding human psychology is the key to crafting empathetic, human-first experiences.


Adhiti Chundur

I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, where I completed a dual major in Human-Computer Interaction + Cognitive Psychology with a minor in Media Design

In my free time, you can find me painting, devouring sci-fi fantasy novels, or scouring the internet for cool fonts to download. I am based in Seattle, WA.

Previously UX @ Moss, UX @ Lucid Software, Research @ Equity Health Innovations Lab (CMU). 

Currently looking for full-time Product Design/UX Design opportunities.





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